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Best Toronto Coding Bootcamps

Student Stories: Changing Careers with Juno's Web Development Bootcamp

Headshots of Rojhan Paydar, Miguel Bautista, and Sarah Pilato

Blog — Student Stories Best Toronto Coding Bootcamps

4 min read

Sennah Yee, Content Manager at Juno College

By Sennah Yee

Content Manager

Juno College

Curious about a career in web development?

There are plenty of different paths you can choose for your coding journey, from self-learning, to university degrees, to Bootcamp programs. While researching your options, you may be wondering: what sets Juno College apart from the rest?

We chatted with Juno Alumni Rojhan Paydar (Associate Engineer at E-By Design Technologies), Miguel Bautista (Engineering Manager at ecobee), and Sarah Pilato (Software Engineer Intern at Taonga App) about their journeys into tech, and why they chose to kickstart their careers with Juno’s Web Development Bootcamp in Toronto.

What was your job before Juno? Why did you decide to make a career change?

Rojhan: My last role was in the restaurant industry, but I was in retail/customer-facing roles for a decade. I realized I needed a change, because although I was good at my job, and enjoyed it, I didn’t feel QUITE fulfilled. I had jumped from job to job, from multiple college and university programs. I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do.

One day, I came across coding, and I took it seriously. I found my passion; a career where I can be creative, unique, AND logical all in one!

Miguel: Financial consulting. I was tired of working long days with no real ownership of the work I was doing. Often, clients would ask for our time on holidays as well. Not great. Figured I was halfway decent at programming so I decided to give it a go!

Sarah: I worked at a health food store and felt the desire for a career change, as I've always wanted to work in tech!

What other learning options (e.g. self-learning, pre-recorded online course, university/college) did you consider aside from a Bootcamp? Why did you choose a Bootcamp?

Rojhan: I was trying to self-learn by starting with Codecademy, because it was an affordable way to follow along with a formatted structure/course. The problem was, I didn’t know WHERE to start, and I was attempting to learn Python. It was so difficult, I almost gave up!

Miguel: I'm not great at self-learning. I prefer the direction and feedback from a structured learning environment.

Sarah: I considered pre-recorded online courses, but ultimately decided a Bootcamp would be best for me. I thrive in a live classroom structure and felt that would be important to my success.

What other Bootcamps did you consider aside from Juno's? Why did you choose Juno?

Rojhan: I would scroll through articles like “Best Coding Bootcamps In Toronto” and nothing ever stuck out, because I didn’t know what I was looking for as a total beginner. I had initially chosen Red Academy, but was devastated to learn that I was unable to afford their Bootcamp. After I got promoted at my restaurant job, I had more financial freedom — and that’s when my friend and mentor, Quinn, introduced me to Juno. I was instantly drawn to Juno’s environment and learning materials.

Miguel: Juno was the one and only! Why? Well, my sister gave it glowing reviews... and it's kinda neat to keep it in the family. The community also relentlessly pursues inclusivity and diversity in all of their programs and events, and that's a big deal for me.

I really value community and think it's an integral part of success in tech education.

Sarah: I considered Brainstation, however I ended up going with Juno after doing some research. Juno felt more like a community — even before signing up for bootcamp, I interacted with Juno grads on Twitter and everyone was so welcoming and supportive of my dev journey. It was then that I knew Juno was the place for me, as I really value community and think it's an integral part of success in tech education.

What did you enjoy most during your time at Juno's Bootcamp?

Rojhan: The teachers — their encouragement and their vulnerability, showed me that a regular person like me who is transitioning from retail can make it into this industry! I was also able to make great friends, and a lot of them were outside of my cohort, too. I can’t thank Juno enough for bringing some of the most wonderful people I’ve met together.

Miguel: Juno let me be when I needed to be alone, and didn't give up on me when I needed help. Everyone grows in their own way, and I think Juno taught me that through action.

Sarah: I enjoyed learning, of course, but more than that I enjoyed daily interactions with my cohortmates and instructors. I truly missed them and the energy and environment they brought to class every day, after Bootcamp ended.

What advice would you have for someone researching Bootcamps?

Rojhan: Reach out to people in the developer industry. Interview a bunch of them and see what you get. There’s always someone out there happy to help! If they’re busy and don’t reply, message someone else. Make a decision based on your needs, and goals!

Miguel: The financial and time commitments are significant; make sure you have room in your life for both. As for Juno, I've found the community to be a boundless source of both clarity and inspiration. Ask us, and we won't mince words. Many of us enjoyed our time here and continue to give back. Consider community support both during and post-Bootcamp.

Sarah: Bootcamp is amazing for people who thrive in a structured, interactive, community-like environment. If you have the financial means and are able to commit your time to a bootcamp, I really recommend Juno!

Curious about changing careers with our Web Development Bootcamp?

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