Laura Easson
Student Experience Specialist
Laura is the Student Experience Specialist for Juno College. She is the go-to person for full-time and part-time students taking courses at Juno. This includes providing administrative support, such as providing transcripts, tracking student documents, creating certificates of completion, and academic assistance as students continue through their courses.
She comes to Juno College with 5 years of experience in administrative and student support positions from places such as the University of Waterloo and ApplyBoard. Her passion for student success drives her exceptional attention to student anticipations and needs as they participate within Juno’s courses.
When not at Juno, Laura loves writing and recording music. She has been a songwriter for over a decade and loves the thrill and excitement that comes with releasing and performing music to her audience. She also loves drinking tea and coffee over life chats with friends and her guilty pleasure is playing video games such as Zelda and Mario.