Darshana Sen
Team Lead
Darshana is a Team Lead on Juno's Programs team. A graduate of the Juno bootcamp herself, Darshana worked as a front-end developer for 3 years before rejoining the Juno fold (not a cult! not a cult!) as an Instructor last year. Like her colleagues, Darshana is passionate about fostering inclusivity in tech spaces and inquisition in new developers. Her favourite thing about programming is that with a bit of time and a lot of banging your keyboard, truly everyone has the capacity to be an amazing developer. To paraphrase famous Ratatouille Chef Gusteau: "Anyone can code!"
When she's not drifting off into the calming glow of her laptop, Darshana is on the prowl for: any and all cookie recipes to test-drive, books to discuss endlessly, and meandering conversations about the rise of populism and/or the latest pop-culture trend (how old is too old to get TikTok? Asking for a friend).